Although there is no TRUE recipe for success, if you take take one part movitation, one part dedication and add a whole lot of love for music - you get Caribbean Groove Productions AKA CGP. With a radio show, 'in-house' soundsystem and huge following under their belts, Caribbean Groove Productions' motto could easily be, ‘Come grow with us’.. Bringing the Cleveland masses sell off events like the flag party, the Black Out Party and the much anticipated “Rock da Boat 2K8” coming to you July 12th, CGP only wants to get bigger.
Chat ‘Bout Cleveland was able to catch up with CGP members Leisa Engle and DJ Chubbie (sans Ajoy Hood) to talk about getting Cleveland to vibe, their supporters and how it all began – with the music…
Friday, July 4th, Caribbean Flavor, 11:10pm.
Tattletale: Where did the name, Caribbean Groove, for the radio show and eventually the company come from?
Leisa: I actually got help coming up with the name from Sunshade. I couldn’t figure out what to call it, but I knew I wanted ‘Caribbean’ in it and we toyed around with different things and finally came up with ‘Groove’. Then last year, when it was time to come up with the production company, it was easy to just add Productions.
*Caribbean Grooves radio program is on every Saturday, from 8:30pm to Midnight on WJCU 88.7FM.
Tattletale: Who are the members of Caribbean Groove Productions? What are their functions in the organization?
Leisa: CGP consists of me (Leisa Engel), Ajoy (Hood) and DJ Chubbie. Ajoy and I handle the business part of the organization and Chubbie handles all things musically.
Chubbie: I am more behind the scenes dealing with the music and things of that nature.….

Business mind behind the music, Ajoy.
Tattletale: As you all get ready for one of your biggest events of the year, ‘Rock da Boat 2K8’, what are some of the other annual events presented by CGP?
Leisa: We also have the Flag Party in April, DJ Chubbie’s birthnite bash, ‘Full Throttle Fridays’ Anniversary Bash in the first week of July, ‘Rock da Boat’ (coming July 12th), we also have my birthnite bash August 22nd, and the Blackout Party in October.

Tattletale: How do you feel CGP fits into the Cleveland dancehall scene? And what are you bringing to the table that other promoter seem to miss?
Chubbie: Everyone (promoters) have their own thing… one thing that we have is the extension of Organik Sound, we are promoters with OUR OWN sound, which gives us the ability to ‘cut out the middle man’…
Tattletale: As promoters in Cleveland, what do you feel, are your biggest challenges?
Chubbie: I would have to say one challenge is coming up with new themes – ones that the people will follow and support.
Leisa: I would have to say one of the biggest challenges here in Cleveland is the venues (or lack thereof). It would be nice to have a variety of venues in Cleveland to cater to different crowds.
Tattletale: Do you feel Cleveland's Dancehall Scene is up-to-date as other cities such as Detroit, Chicago, or even New York?
Chubbie: It’s getting there… and getting better….
Leisa: I can say that musically, we are there, but socially (as far as the vibe goes) we are not.
Tattletale: That being said, how do you think the scene here in Cleveland can improve?
Leisa: The most important thing is remaining consistent with the events.
Tattletale: Leisa, as CEO of the organization, where do you expected to see CGP in the next 5 years? 10 years?
Leisa: Of course, we start in here in Cleveland. I always say with anything, ‘If you can make it (happen) in Cleveland, you can make it anywhere’! Eventually, we would like to take some of the events and promotions we do on a national level and ultimately, back to Jamaica with a few collaborations with promoters there.
Tattletale: What got you interested in building a sound system?
Chubbie: I actually started out playing with Higher Seas and Sunshade and we really didn’t start out wanting to have our own sound..
Note: Organik Sound is Cleveland’s newest sound system, only being on the scene for a little over a year.
Tattletale: How did you come up with the name, Organik Sound - or do I need to ask?
Chubbie: Of course we wanted another name for it. We didn’t want to be so obvious and say w**d or anything like that..
Tattletale: While we are talking names, dying to know, how did you get the name, Chubbie?Chubbie: When I was a kid, I was a lot chubbier than I am now..
Leisa: ..Not that chubby!
Chubbie: I started playing when I was about 13 and that was my name from the earlier years….
In case you didn’t know, Leisa and Chubbie are first cousins, hence the great chemistry -and teasing- between them on the air and while performing.
Tattletale: Following in the footsteps of female selectors like, 360, Gunz N Roses and Vybz Ladies, what are some of the obstacles you face being the ONLY female selector in Cleveland? Leisa: If there are any obstacles, they are unseen. Some people may say things behind my back, but I don’t know about it. That is why I say they are unseen. I have not yet to have a problem with anyone (but when and if I do) it will just push me harder and stronger….
Tattletale: In your opinion, what makes a great sound?
Chubbie: The most important thing is unity. It is important to know your job when playing the music and know the job of your emcee as to what songs they are comfortable with….
Leisa: Also, another important thing is having the ability to be versatile. Being able to play to different crowds…
Tattletale: As the soundsystem, do you try to set the vibes for the party or do you get it from how the crowd reacts to the tunes you've selected?
Chubbie: We initially start off trying to set the vibes for the dance then we move towards (setting the vibes) by feeding off the people. Sometimes, I even sit back at a dance and watch the crowd to how the crowd reacts to certain tunes.
Tattletale: How difficult is it to build the vibes through each dance?
Chubbie and Leisa: It’s VERY difficult!
Chubbie: Each crowd and venue varies. Some places call for different music and songs. There are some songs I play at Dailey’s that I don’t play here (Caribbean Flavor)…
Tattletale: Do you have any signature dubplates?
Chubbie: Right now, one of our favorites comes from a new artist from Jamacia named UpSerge called ‘What a Mighty Sound’.
Tattletale: Over the years, who are some of the people that you enjoy see coming out to support CGP?
Leisa: The Blaze Crew- they have been with us since back in the day at our Club Afrique days…Spyda Crew, Bashment/Barbie Doll Crew, and the Waistline Crew. Those are some people who come out to support us week after week, event after event.
Tattletale: Speaking of back in the days, Leisa I can still remember your days as a performer, I think I attended an event at Big Family way back when, any plans to return to that side of the business?
Leisa: (laughing) There has been a few attempts to get me to come back. Right now, I am going through a little writers block. I have so much going on, but I do get excited with the idea of me returning to the studio. In fact, when I go to Jamaica, I go to the studio with my friend, Antonio West, who has his own studio.
Tattletale: Chubbie, as the more laid back member of the crew, what are your future plans in terms being a selector?
Chubbie: Just keep playing! I love music! I just want to spread my wings and fly, so to speak…
Tattletale: Anything else you'd like our chat ‘bout readers to know?
Leisa: Come to the boat ride! Keep supporting us! We are only going to get bigger and better. We will keep the consistency of great events coming! We want people to associated CGP with quality… So far, every event we’ve held has been successful so we want to keep it coming….
To contact CGP, log on to: www.myspace.com/caribbeangrooveproduction
To find out more about DJ Chubbie: log on to www.myspace.com/organiksounddjchubby.
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