Afrifest, The Annual Pan African Summer Festival in the Twin Cities, MN promises to be bigger this year! The event brings together diverse African, American, and Int’l vendors, musicians, entertainers, and cultural performers to the Twin Cities. This festival has started a wonderful tradition of educating, showcasing, enlightening, and bringing together Africans, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and other diverse audiences and cultures.
Afrifest Events:
*Please note: This is preliminary info on Afrifest 2008, which is subject to change. All venues, performers, and events will be finalized closer to the event.
Thursday, August 14th
Pan African Business Expo 2008 - A networking event for African businesses, professionals and students to discuss the benefits and vision of promoting, fostering, and growing African businesses and markets. Participants will have an opportunity to sign up to promote their products and services.
There will also be seminars, exhibits, and other activities to help entrepreneurs and small businesses start, grow, and promote their businesses.
Venue: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Times: 6pm to 9pm
Saturday, August 16th
Showcase Africa 2008- This event will be dedicated to showcasing some of the biggest Pan African musical acts and performers in the Twin Cities. Sample foods, snacks, and drinks from all over Africa, Caribbean, and America, along with vendors showcasing arts, crafts, clothes and very unique goods and services.
Venues: TBD
Times: 10am to 7pm
Sunday, August 17th - Pan African Family Day
Afrifest Int’l Goodwill Soccer Tournament- AFRICA vs. ASIA vs. USA vs. SOUTH AMERICA featuring youth and adult teams and a kids’ shootout competition
Afrifest Int’l Goodwill Soccer Tournament- AFRICA vs. ASIA vs. USA vs. SOUTH AMERICA featuring youth and adult teams and a kids’ shootout competition
Times: 8am to 7pm
Afrifest Community MuralAfrifest 2008 - Featured Artist and kids attending the festival-Canvas 20 ft x 3 1/2 width will be sketched out by the artist and painted with the help of community kids. The Mural will be donated to a local community center upon completion.
Times: 12pm to 5pm
Pan African Historical Display & Exhibit - This educational exhibit will trace the history of Africa, it’s peoples and cultures from the early kingdoms to western colonization to the modern continent and countries. Experience the history of early kingdoms, the slave trade, and the links with African Americans, the Caribbean, and South Americans.
Times: 12pm to 5pm
Sunday, August 17th
Afrifest 2008 Gala…A Night With the Stars Featuring AWILO* with special guest MzBel* and Hosted by Michael Blackson*. This event will be dedicated to showcasing some of the biggest Pan African musical acts and performers from around the world, along with a diverse cultural fashion show by the hottest up and coming independent Pan African fashion designers and models.
Times: 9pm to Midnight
Afrifest 2008 Gala After Party - A fun gathering after the showcase where guests can mix and mingle with the contestants, performers, and sponsors after the event.
Times: Midnight to 1am
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