Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cleveland - Detroit Link Up! Dance or Die, Part 3!

Chat 'Bout Cleveland friend and supporter, Destiny and Cleveland's Dancehall Queen, Ms. Trini were among the featured dancers in the much anticipated dancehall event, "Dance or Die 3" in Detroit this past Saturday. For those of you who got some rest after Tony Matterhorn and made the trip up North, you know that dance was insane. If you happened to miss this bash, Destiny sent us a video and a few pics from the event.

How is the dancehall scene in Detroit, you ask? With Canada just a bridge away, Chicago and Cleveland not far behind, the scene in Detroit is bananas right now. Still not convinced? Check out the video sent to us by the American Dancehall Queen herself, Destiny.....


Later for now,



Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that I enjoy reading this site but lately the typos I mean really, the flyer is right there on the webpage and you guys have Do or Die? Tighten up ' cause ya slippin'.

druChristine Couture said...

LOL! You are so right! That's what I get for posting at 1am! Thanks for keeping us on our toes!