Calling all dancehall veterans! Do you recall the days of old (early 90’s) when MAKKA B was one of the Hottest Sound Systems in Cleveland? When Reggae night ruled clubs such as Rueben’s and the Fireside? Do you remember?
After a few years’ hiatus and resurfacing dances, MAKKA B regained his throne as one of the biggest promoters to watch. The DANCE SELL OFF! Meaning MAKKA B “KILLED THEM” & the dance was - for lack of a better term - “OUT OF CONTROL”!!!!!!
One can always gage the dance from the parking situation - Put it to you this way, when we arrived at an early 1am and couldn’t even find a parking space on 116th OR on the side streets – we knew this was a good sign!!!!!!
As chatboutcleveland hit the door, the vibes WERE NICE! Got in the dance and yup, the tunes were right as Yellow Force was moving the crowd to some serious rhythms! The night only got better as Starcade from Canada spun some tunes only to slow tings down a bit for Miami’s Black Chiney to MOSH UP THE PLACE ‘till way past 4 in the morning. The crowd was also treated to a variety of tunes represented from all the local sounds – example one. Hmmmm, I guess we will have to hear a sample of that later……
A capacity crowd full of Dancehall legends like Maggie and The Untouchable Crew, the ever so stone cold God Bless Crew, (always the BEST DRESSED Ladies), The Blaze’ Crew, The Designing Women Crew (playing the role of casual chic oh so well), Leisa Engel from WJCU (keeping it low key) Dylan & Nikolai, Onnie (bringing a taste of The House of DeReon to the dancehall scene), Blaka, DIA P, First Class, and Miss Trinidad and Destiny (getting some dance practice for the upcoming dancehall competition, no less). SPECIAL NOTE: A big GOD BLESS to DESTINY as she recently announced her overcoming Cancer. chatboutcleveland’s prayers continue to follow you and your family. It was definitely good to see you and your daughter out and about. It was even better seeing you on the dancefloor like the good ole days……
A dance this hot could not go without a few style stars of the evening: A mention to momma in the khaki green jumpsuit and the cutie in the polka dot cropped jacket with the bob hair cut to match. Thank you all for representing style and keeping up with what’s hot in clothing! Keep it up – WE ARE WATCHING!!!!!
As many big dances, a few blasts from the past were in attendance - Lanky Roy, Ms. Tasha & Scoobie as well as a member of the now disbanded Wow Wow Crew. Missing in action were the Big Man himself Mr. Dailey, Burlow, EYE (Ocean Wave), and Lady Spyder. By the way, what ever happened to Soldjie and Wayne from Big Family?
Now, excuse me as I get on my pedestal -
It feels good to go out and have a good time, right? It always seems like the best dances some people just have to have drama. I witnessed it – a certain dancehall veteran, (always nice, quiet and respectful) was tested by a someone. Let’s just say Big ups to the gentleman who stopped this veteran from taking things further and before things got out of hand. Keep in mind the theme of the party: UPLIFTMENT UNITY!
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: COMMON COURTESTY IS DUE TO A DOG. If you see a dog in the middle of the street and you are driving in your car, you will put on your brakes not to hit the dog in the street, so why not have some courtesy for the person in the dancehall? Are they not worthy of the same courtesy of a stray dog? In a capacity filled place like Dailey’s packed like it was Saturday, it is virtually impossible to not brush against or bump into someone…
I know most people would agree - People don’t come out for BULLS*&T, people want to get dressed up (well, some people), come out, have a few drinks, unwind, feel the vibes and enjoy some tunes – not BULLS*&T! Damn, can we enjoy the DANCEHALL??? Dad’s Hall is gone, Big Family is gone, The Cotton Club is gone along with a list of a dozen other places we enjoyed back in day are gone – with the exceptions of a few, Dailey’s is one of the only spots we (Cleveland) have left! If we destroy this place with BULLS*&T then what do we have?
If you like drama take that S*&T back to your home and deal with it there, don’t bring that S*&T to the dance. When I see someone decides to take the effort to dress up, get a babysitter, drive to the club, park, pay at the gate, buy a few drinks and THEN start some mess…. I know you are a messy B*&CH - IF YOUR HOUSE IS A MESS YOUR LIFE IS A MESS! We not talking where you live but HOW YOU LIVE. Tighten up your house (your heart) and what you got living in it. Do some spring cleaning (YOUR HEART MUST BE CLEAN…A CLEAN HEART WILL DO IT…) so everybody can enjoy the DANCE!
NUF SAID, All in all MAKKA B looks like you reign supreme….see ya at the next big dance (with a clean heart….)
After a few years’ hiatus and resurfacing dances, MAKKA B regained his throne as one of the biggest promoters to watch. The DANCE SELL OFF! Meaning MAKKA B “KILLED THEM” & the dance was - for lack of a better term - “OUT OF CONTROL”!!!!!!
One can always gage the dance from the parking situation - Put it to you this way, when we arrived at an early 1am and couldn’t even find a parking space on 116th OR on the side streets – we knew this was a good sign!!!!!!
As chatboutcleveland hit the door, the vibes WERE NICE! Got in the dance and yup, the tunes were right as Yellow Force was moving the crowd to some serious rhythms! The night only got better as Starcade from Canada spun some tunes only to slow tings down a bit for Miami’s Black Chiney to MOSH UP THE PLACE ‘till way past 4 in the morning. The crowd was also treated to a variety of tunes represented from all the local sounds – example one. Hmmmm, I guess we will have to hear a sample of that later……
A capacity crowd full of Dancehall legends like Maggie and The Untouchable Crew, the ever so stone cold God Bless Crew, (always the BEST DRESSED Ladies), The Blaze’ Crew, The Designing Women Crew (playing the role of casual chic oh so well), Leisa Engel from WJCU (keeping it low key) Dylan & Nikolai, Onnie (bringing a taste of The House of DeReon to the dancehall scene), Blaka, DIA P, First Class, and Miss Trinidad and Destiny (getting some dance practice for the upcoming dancehall competition, no less). SPECIAL NOTE: A big GOD BLESS to DESTINY as she recently announced her overcoming Cancer. chatboutcleveland’s prayers continue to follow you and your family. It was definitely good to see you and your daughter out and about. It was even better seeing you on the dancefloor like the good ole days……
A dance this hot could not go without a few style stars of the evening: A mention to momma in the khaki green jumpsuit and the cutie in the polka dot cropped jacket with the bob hair cut to match. Thank you all for representing style and keeping up with what’s hot in clothing! Keep it up – WE ARE WATCHING!!!!!
As many big dances, a few blasts from the past were in attendance - Lanky Roy, Ms. Tasha & Scoobie as well as a member of the now disbanded Wow Wow Crew. Missing in action were the Big Man himself Mr. Dailey, Burlow, EYE (Ocean Wave), and Lady Spyder. By the way, what ever happened to Soldjie and Wayne from Big Family?
Now, excuse me as I get on my pedestal -
It feels good to go out and have a good time, right? It always seems like the best dances some people just have to have drama. I witnessed it – a certain dancehall veteran, (always nice, quiet and respectful) was tested by a someone. Let’s just say Big ups to the gentleman who stopped this veteran from taking things further and before things got out of hand. Keep in mind the theme of the party: UPLIFTMENT UNITY!
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: COMMON COURTESTY IS DUE TO A DOG. If you see a dog in the middle of the street and you are driving in your car, you will put on your brakes not to hit the dog in the street, so why not have some courtesy for the person in the dancehall? Are they not worthy of the same courtesy of a stray dog? In a capacity filled place like Dailey’s packed like it was Saturday, it is virtually impossible to not brush against or bump into someone…
I know most people would agree - People don’t come out for BULLS*&T, people want to get dressed up (well, some people), come out, have a few drinks, unwind, feel the vibes and enjoy some tunes – not BULLS*&T! Damn, can we enjoy the DANCEHALL??? Dad’s Hall is gone, Big Family is gone, The Cotton Club is gone along with a list of a dozen other places we enjoyed back in day are gone – with the exceptions of a few, Dailey’s is one of the only spots we (Cleveland) have left! If we destroy this place with BULLS*&T then what do we have?
If you like drama take that S*&T back to your home and deal with it there, don’t bring that S*&T to the dance. When I see someone decides to take the effort to dress up, get a babysitter, drive to the club, park, pay at the gate, buy a few drinks and THEN start some mess…. I know you are a messy B*&CH - IF YOUR HOUSE IS A MESS YOUR LIFE IS A MESS! We not talking where you live but HOW YOU LIVE. Tighten up your house (your heart) and what you got living in it. Do some spring cleaning (YOUR HEART MUST BE CLEAN…A CLEAN HEART WILL DO IT…) so everybody can enjoy the DANCE!
NUF SAID, All in all MAKKA B looks like you reign supreme….see ya at the next big dance (with a clean heart….)
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